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  • +91-7060053799
  • LOYAL PUBLIC SCHOOL, Junction Road, Khurja, UP, India


Director Message

Director's Message

It gives me immense pleasure to throw light on my career! I have been in this lineage of education for over 3 decades now! Almighty has bequeathed me with the ability to impart knowledge to the tiny saplings!

As the Founder cum Director of this institution, my endeavor will be to ensure discipline,quality education by introduction of new activities, provision of state of the art facilities and by encouraging children in greater participation in all school activities.

In a time when specialized skills and excellence are greatly valued, we must also develop qualities of sympathy and empathy with the under privileged and attempt to integrate them into the main stream. It is therefore important to re-affirm community values and ties to derive mental and spiritual solace.

My message to my dear students will be – “Make the very best of every opportunity that comes your way. Look to the Lord Almighty for strength of mind and body,sincerity and wisdom to study hard, so that you with the help of your parents and teachers move steadily and confidently on to the path of self-empowerment in all spheres of life and grow up to be a sensitive, sound thinking and responsible citizen of our great country India.”

Mrs. Aarti Dargan

Founder cum Director