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  • +91-7060053799
  • LOYAL PUBLIC SCHOOL, Junction Road, Khurja, UP, India



1. Be a regular scholar, Come to school in clean and tidy SchoolUniform. 

2. Let there be grace and sence of purpose in your work and movement. 

3. Be regular in morning assembly. Be quiet and take active part in its conduct. 

4. Extend your help in keeping the class-room and the school campus clean. Don't scatter bits of paper on the floor. Should you find any, remove them. Neither disfigure the walls nor damage the school furnitures and other properties. They are yours and you have to pass them on to your younger brothers and sisters, Report only damage or losses immediatcly to the class-teacher or principal. 

5. Don’t loiter about outside the class-room while the school is in session. 

6. while moving from one class to other take care not to disturb other classes. Move in a line  always. 

7. Bring only the prescribed text books and note-books only. 

8. Take care of your things, Don't lose them. 

9. Should you find anything belonging to school or any other student, deposit it in the office. 

10. While going out of the class when the school is in the session, take Class-Pass. 

11. Read Newspaper and magazines regularly. Don't mark underline or annotate them. 

12. Don't do anything that is derogatory to your self-respect. 

13. Your work and conduct should be such that bring a good name to the school prefects. 

14. Carry out the instructions of Class-monitor, House-leader and school prefects. 

15. Be an active participant in every school activity. 

16. Enter Home-assignments in your school calendar regularly and do the work regularly. 

17. Follow-up the corrections & suggestions by the teacher. 


Every pupil is expected to be in school 5 minutes before the Assembly Bell. If pupils are late for the Assembly they will receive two warning notices after which they are liable to be sent home at the parent’s own risk. 


Special care must be taken by teachers and pupils to preserve an atmosphere of  silence and serious work during class hours. 


1. Running, playing, shouting and whistling inside the school building is never allowed. 

care when moving along corridors from one class to another the rule is always Keep left and respect classes at work by moving with as little noise as possible. 

2.No child is permitted to enter the staff room. 

3.Pupil may use, the telephone with permission. Permission will be given only in urgent cases. 

4.Books, newspaper, periodical and magazine may never be brought to school without Principal's sanction, else they will be confiscated. 

5.No collection for any purpose whatsoever may be made in the school without the permission of the Principal. 

6.Students are not allowed to go out of the school during school hours including recess time.


1. Pupils are answerable to the school authorities for their conduct both in school and outside. Misbehaviour justifies dismissal. 

2. Children are requested to take care of their personal properties as the school authorities do not take the responsibility of the loss of books, money, tiffin carriers etc. In case of any loss, do not ring-up the school but send a note through your child to his/her class teacher. 

3.Students are not allowed to use mobile phone, gold and other valuable things in the school.